Feature Ideas

  1. Content pool (galerie podkladů) - Brandwatch

    Nedávno jsme se dostali k nástroji BrandWatch, který má zajímavou vychytávku - content pool neboli interní úložiště podkladů a použitých vizuálů, které lze filtrovat podle štítků a dle štítků zjišťovat, které vizuály si v obsahu vedly nejlépe. Bylo by skvělé toto implementovat i v ZS.

    #Improvement 👍


  2. Filtrování analytiky podle TAGU

    Potřebovali bychom v analytice vytvořit filtrování podle TAGU, ne jen podle LABELU. Důvodem je, abychom uměli udělat například vyhodnocení klientské kampaně atp. Děkujeme!

    Simona M
    #Improvement 👍#Analytics


  3. Automatic publishing of PDF files on LinkedIn

    I would love to add a pdf file in zoomsphere for my LinkedIn posts, which I have to do manualy now.

    Michal S
    #Improvement 👍#Scheduler#Misc 🤷


  4. Statuses template

    In our company we have created a set of statuses for better collaboration with clients. It is quite time consuming to set it up at each new client and it would be nice to save it as a template and use at a new scheduler.

    Roman K
    #Improvement 👍#Scheduler


  5. When your fans are online (kdy jsou fanoušci nejčastěji online)

    BrandWatch má při výběru data a času publikace možnost ukázat ve křivce, kdy jsou fanoušci nejčastěji online. Usnadnilo by to plánování contentu pro co nejvyšší engagement a dosahy.

    #Improvement 👍#Scheduler


  6. Threads Scheduling

    Is it possible to include scheduling on Threads? I know Threads is still quite a new app, but that would really improve the life of us Social Media Managers!

    #Improvement 👍#Scheduler


  7. Polls on Instagram

    Instagram has added a new feature to posts - polls. When comments are opened, it is possible to vote among the several options. These polls are set up just before the post is published. Is it possible to incorporate this into Zoomsphere via the API?

    #Improvement 👍#Integrations 🔗


  8. Filter through hasthtag or mark (@)

    In the analytics would be helpfull possibility use filter according hashtags or connection with our profile by mark (@)

    Pavlína F
    #Improvement 👍#Analytics#System 🛠️


  9. Task overview in a dashboard

    It would be great if there is an option you can see all the tasks in one big dashboard for a project manager for example. And in that dashboad can filter on due date, person and project. So you can bundle all the projects at the moment you have several client dashboards.

    Valentijn S
    #Integrations 🔗#Workflow Manager


  10. Giving access to new pages

    It would be great if there was the option to give access to new pages in bulk. Now you have to open each users one by one to give them access which is very much time consuming. It would be great if there was a chance to do it by selecting the users which need access in one screen.

    Gábor K
    #Improvement 👍#Administrator 👑


  11. Community Management: Instagram DM's

    It would be really helpful to manage also Instagram DM's in the Community Management app. 🙏

    #Community Management


  12. Comments IG reels and TikTok videos

    We could use comments form TikTok Videos and IG reels in community management

    Ivan Š
    #Improvement 👍#Integrations 🔗#Community Management


  13. Dark mode

    It would be nice to see Zoomsphere in the dark mode for the desktop - don't you think? :)

    Filip K
    #Styling 🎨


  14. Ability to publish in Facebook Groups

    Facebook groups are gaining in popularity and importance also for brands. It would be good to be able to plan and approve their content here in ZoomSphere.

    Jakub Mach
    #Scheduler#Welcome 👋


  15. Instagram profile tag on image

    Possibility to tag profile on image not only in the copy which is supported by API now.

    Václav B
    #Improvement 👍#Scheduler
