Feature Ideas

  1. Group social media profiles for easy access management

    Possibility to create groups of social media profiles and granting access to an agent to the whole group of pages. E.g. - our company structure in our case consists of three different countries with admins for all countries at the same time and around 80 different page profiles in total. It would be great to create a group of profiles for each country an assign access to agents to that group, instead of clicking on 30 different pages each time and having to pay attention which country each profile belongs to.

    #Improvement 👍#Administrator 👑#Misc 🤷


  2. Community Management: Instagram DM's

    It would be really helpful to manage also Instagram DM's in the Community Management app. 🙏

    #Community Management


  3. Comments IG reels and TikTok videos

    We could use comments form TikTok Videos and IG reels in community management

    Ivan Š
    #Improvement 👍#Integrations 🔗#Community Management


  4. Ability to add first comment to post

    It would be great to have ability to schedule also first comment under scheduled post. It great because, you can add hashtags to first comment - it has the same effect for promotion like in the direct post, but post is then much "cleaner" just with text (when hashtags are in first comment). It´s common function in another social media scheduler.

    Lukáš C
    #Improvement 👍#Scheduler


  5. Ability to create a month plans and these plan then copy for the next month

    the basis of the content plan is similar for each month, yet we have to create individual posts again and again

    Šárka P
    #Scheduler#Misc 🤷


  6. Long-term planning with clients approval

    Currently, we are limited to a 29-day window for post approvals which is hindering our ability to plan and schedule content effectively. We operate on a quarterly planning schedule, and in some cases, we even need to plan and approve two months ahead. The current 29-day limit is causing inefficiencies for us as someone has to manually reschedule posts beyond this window. Additionally, training clients on two methods of approval (one with publishing and second for long-term posts), or checking the posts in the 29-day window, seems redundant and unnecessarily time-consuming. We believe the solution to this problem would be to extend this limit or to introduce an automatic scheduling feature. Such a feature would allow us to put posts on a longer-term publication schedule, and the system itself would keep track of this window. When the scheduling date comes within the allowable window, the system would automatically push the post out to the network. This single feature could save a significant amount of time and reduce stress for hundreds if not thousands of users who are trying to manage long-term social media plans within your application. We understand the technical limitations that might come with this request, but we truly believe it will greatly enhance the user experience and operational efficiency of your platform. Looking forward to your thoughts on this.

    Markéta J


  7. Canva integration

    It would be time saving if we could create Canva visuals directly from the ZoomSphere

    Jakub Mach
    #Integrations 🔗


  8. Notifications of client approvals in scheduler

    Setting reminder notifications for certain post statuses. In practice, this should work by reminding the client of the post they should approve.

    Kája R
    #Improvement 👍#Scheduler#Misc 🤷


  9. Posting updates to Google business profile through scheduler / Přidávání aktualit na Google business profil skrze plánovač

    Bylo by super mít možnost automaticky publikovat příspěvky na Google business profil skrze plánovač, dost často děláme to, že vybíráme aktuality ze soc. sítí a postujeme pravidelně i na GMB profil. Např. pro klienty z gastra by tato funkce byla skvělá. It would be great to be able to automatically publish posts to a Google business profile through the scheduler, we quite like to select updates from the social media feeds and post regularly to the GMB profile. For example for gastronomy clients this feature would be great.

    Zuzana V
    #Improvement 👍#Scheduler#Integrations 🔗


  10. Give client permission to 'approve' without being able to edit

    Hello I've been playing with the settings a bit for clients to be able to approve content, without being able to edit the made posts. But I figured out this is not an option. It would be very nice to just have a 'approve' and 'rework' button for clients, without them having the permission to edit anything in the content calendars.

    Fien S
    #Improvement 👍#Scheduler


  11. Add timer tracking to schedule app

    Hi amazing ZP team! Just a thought, currently I am using https://track.toggl.com/timer to track my timing spent on each client. It would be SUPER AMAZING if ZP could offer an in-house app that could do the same thing, so clients can easily see time spent on their account. As things stand, if a client queries projects and time spent, I have to download the report (in PDF) and email it to them. But if ZP offered it, they could check themselves, which would make life so much easier. Just a thought - thanks again for all of your amazing work! We are REALLY loving the new snipper tool! It helps us so much with our proofing process on artwork/videos!

    Claudia S
    #Improvement 👍#Integrations 🔗


  12. Bluesky

    We would appreciate it if you could integrate the Bluesky to the scheduler. Thank you!

    Radek Š
    #Improvement 👍#Scheduler#Integrations 🔗


  13. AI tools for content writing

    I have a quick question! I seem to have most of the tools I need, and everything’s working well. Is it possible to integrate with ChatGPT, or are there plans to add AI-powered content writing tools? We tested other platform which already offer this feature, but they lack in other areas—such as missing apps, limited video support, or restricted file compatibility. Adding these AI tools would be fantastic, especially with everything moving toward AI now. Even if it’s a paid option, that would be fine! Your app looks great and could really stand out on the market if these features will be added.

    #Improvement 👍#Integrations 🔗#Administrator 👑


  14. Managing Whatsapp group

    Managing WhatsApp groups within posts, just like on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

    Adam K


  15. Assigning an existing client's email to multiple projects across different agencies

    Problem: It is not possible to be registered under one email in two ZoomSphere teams. As an agency, I encounter a recurring problem - large clients are often already assigned to a ZoomSphere team of a previous agency, the current agency (creative, media, digital.... etc), or their own social media team, and I am unable to assign them to my team. Therefore, they are often forced to use a different email or to unsubscribe from the existing team. I suggest implementing a functionality that would allow clients to be assigned to multiple teams simultaneously.

    Ľudo A
    #Improvement 👍#Community Management #System 🛠️
